Length: 121 min.
Genre: drama
Director: Sergey Loznitsa
Cast: Tamara Yatsenko, Irina Zayarmiuk, Grigory Masliuk
Thirteen short stories show a panorama of life in the occupied territories, from tragedy to comic farce. The "little green men" cannot remember the name of their "native town, nearby." A German journalist is greeted at a roadblock with the cry "The fascist has been caught!". Here they celebrate weddings and arrange street massacres, expropriate cars and money for the benefit of the "republics", and live in basements, to escape from shelling. Serhiy Loznytsia's film seeks an answer to the question: where in this kaleidoscope is the line between truth and fiction?
The Crime of Actress Maryskina
Daryna Dolesko / Дарина Долеско
Actress Maryska from a provincial theater finally lands a role in a new production. Though the role is small, Maryska immerses herself completely in bringing her character to life. / Актриса провінційного театру Мариськіна нарешті отримує роль у новій постановці. І хоча ця роль і невелика, Мариськіна з головою занурюється у роботу над своїм персонажем.